Ferenczy Benefits Law Center | We are your ERISA solution
Atlanta, GA • 404.320.1100

2023 Events

Prior 2023 Events


On Thursday, December 7, 2023 and Tuesday, December 12, 2023,  Ilene, Alison, Derrin, and the Ferenczy Players will be speaking on ethical tales for 2023 hosted by ERISApedia.com via webinar. It is important that we remind ourselves of the IRS Circular 230 and designation organizations’ ethical requirements, so that when that awkward moment arises, we know what to do instinctually. Join us for a laugh at this annual event and get your ethics credits knocked out.


Ferenczy Benefits Law Center held the 2023 Pensions on Peachtree Conference.  This high touch, annual conference was held in April 2023 in Atlanta, GA and was a huge success! Speakers included Ilene Ferenczy, Alison Cohen, Derrin Watson, and the Ferenczy Team.